We have a broad range of experience in corporate, commercial and intellectual property areas. Our lawyers have dealt with businesses spanning over a wide variety of industries, including fashion, automotive, food and entertainment, information technology and telecommunications.
Our interest and expertise in intellectual property law, particularly trade marks, branding, copyright, domain names and confidentiality, give our clients the competitive advantage to succeed and excel in the world of modern business.
Intellectual property can be a number of things, ranging from a special logo, name or design to distinguish a business, to a secret process, a computer program, an innovation or a piece of literature. Most Australian companies understand the importance of intellectual property, but often do very little to protect it.
We can provide our clients with a complete and cost-effective legal solution to all their commercial and intellectual property needs. Below are some of the services that we can provide.
Corporate and Commercial
Business and corporate structure formation and advice
Business and company acquisitions (purchase/sale of businesses and companies)
Internal management arrangements (such as joint venture and shareholders’ agreements)
Dispute resolution
Manufacture and distribution
Capital raising or reduction
Advice on directors’ duties and ASIC requirements
All other business related general advisory
Intellectual Property
Trade marks
Trade mark registration and prosecution
Trade mark searching
Trade mark registrability and infringement
Trade mark oppositions
Non-use removals and revocation actions
Trade mark watching, surveillance, due diligence and audits
Trade mark portfolio management and strategy
Website terms and conditions
Domain name issues and dispute resolution (including cyber squatting)
IT/technology contracts
Online contracting
General IP
Commercialisation of IP (such as licensing, assignment and protection)
Copyright issues and assignment
Trade secrets and infringements